Tag: wills online

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Why Choose Online Wills for Your Estate Planning Needs

Estate planning is an essential part of ensuring that your assets and wishes are carried out after you pass away. Traditionally, this process involved hiring an attorney and going through the time-consuming and often costly process of creating a will. However, with the advancement of technology, online wills have become increasingly popular. In this article, we will explore the many reasons why choosing online wills for your estate planning needs can be beneficial.

Understanding the Basics of Online Wills

Before we delve into the advantages of online wills, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what they are. An online will is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the appointment of guardians for minor children. Unlike traditional wills, online wills can be created and accessed using a secure online platform without the need for in-person meetings.

Online wills have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenience and accessibility. They offer a modern approach to estate planning, allowing individuals to efficiently organize their affairs with just a few clicks. By utilizing online will services, individuals can take control of their legacy in a user-friendly and cost-effective manner.

What is an Online Will?

An online will is a digital document that can be created, signed, and stored securely online. These digital wills are designed to provide a convenient and efficient alternative to traditional paper-based wills. Online wills allow individuals to draft their wills at their own pace, in the comfort of their own homes.

Creating an online will typically involves a step-by-step process that guides users through important decisions such as asset distribution, executor selection, and special bequests. Some platforms even offer educational resources to help users understand complex legal terms and implications, making the estate planning process more accessible to a wider audience.

Oversights-in Estate-Plan

The Legal Validity of Online Wills

One common concern with online wills is their legal validity. It’s crucial to ensure that your online will meets all the legal requirements of your jurisdiction. Many online platforms provide templates that are compliant with local laws. Additionally, some platforms offer the option to have your online will reviewed by an attorney to ensure its validity. It is important to consult with legal professionals to ensure that your online will is legally binding.

Despite initial skepticism, online wills have been increasingly recognized as valid legal documents in various jurisdictions. Courts have upheld the validity of properly executed online wills, emphasizing the importance of clear intent and compliance with legal formalities. As technology continues to shape the legal landscape, online wills are likely to become more prevalent as a convenient and secure method of estate planning. Find more about technology at https://www.tech.gov.sg/.

The Advantages of Online Wills

Now that we have a solid understanding of online wills, let’s explore the benefits they offer.

Online wills have revolutionized the estate planning process by offering a convenient and accessible option for individuals to secure their legacy. In addition to the traditional methods of creating a will, online platforms provide a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process step by step. This digital approach eliminates the need for in-person appointments with attorneys, allowing you to craft your will at your own pace and convenience, all from the comfort of your own home.

Convenience and Accessibility

Creating an online will is a convenient option for many individuals. Instead of scheduling in-person appointments with attorneys, online wills allow you to complete the process at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home. Online platforms are accessible 24/7, making it easy for you to start, stop, and resume creating your will whenever it is convenient for you.

Furthermore, online wills provide a secure and easily accessible way to store your important legal documents. With just a few clicks, you can access your will from anywhere in the world, ensuring that your wishes are always within reach in case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.

Affordability of Online Wills

The cost of creating a traditional will can vary significantly, depending on the complexity of your estate and the fees charged by attorneys. Online wills, on the other hand, are generally more affordable. Many online platforms offer fixed-rate packages that cover the entire process, providing cost certainty and eliminating any surprises.

By opting for an online will, you not only save on legal fees but also gain peace of mind knowing that your assets and loved ones are protected with a legally binding document that reflects your wishes accurately.

Flexibility and Customization Options

Online wills offer a high degree of flexibility and customization. With online platforms, you can easily update and amend your will as your circumstances change. Additionally, many online will services provide detailed instructions and guidance, allowing you to tailor your will to your specific needs and preferences.

Whether you have a simple estate or more complex assets to distribute, online wills offer a versatile solution that can be personalized to suit your unique situation. From specifying beneficiaries to outlining special bequests, the customization options available with online wills ensure that your final wishes are accurately captured and legally binding.

Comparing Online Wills and Traditional Wills

When deciding between online wills and traditional wills, it’s essential to consider various factors. Both options have their own set of advantages and considerations that can significantly impact your estate planning process.

One important aspect to consider is the level of customization and personalization you can achieve with each type of will. Traditional wills, often created with the guidance of an attorney, can be tailored to address specific family dynamics, unique assets, and individual concerns. On the other hand, online wills typically offer standardized templates that may not fully capture the intricacies of your estate and personal wishes. Click here to know about more unique assets.


Time and Effort Considerations

Creating a traditional will can be a time-consuming process. It often involves multiple meetings with an attorney and waiting for documents to be drafted and finalized. This personalized approach ensures that your will accurately reflects your intentions and adheres to state laws. In contrast, online wills can be completed in a fraction of the time, allowing you to efficiently and effectively protect your assets and loved ones. However, the speed of creating an online will may result in oversights or generic provisions that could lead to complications in the future.

Cost Differences

As mentioned earlier, cost is a significant consideration when it comes to estate planning. Traditional wills can be costly, especially if your estate is complex. The fees associated with attorney consultations and document preparation can add up, but the investment may be worthwhile for the peace of mind and thoroughness it provides. On the other hand, online wills offer cost-effective solutions that can fit a variety of budgets. With fixed-rate packages, you can have peace of mind knowing that you won’t incur unexpected expenses. However, the lower cost of online wills may sometimes reflect a lack of personalized attention and legal expertise, potentially leaving room for errors or disputes among beneficiaries.

The Role of Legal Professionals

While online wills provide a convenient option for creating a will, it’s essential to consider the role of legal professionals. While you can create an online will without the help of an attorney, consulting with an estate planning attorney can provide valuable expertise and ensure that your will is tailored to your needs and meets all legal requirements. An attorney can offer insights on complex issues, such as tax implications, guardianship arrangements, and asset distribution, that may not be adequately addressed in a standard online template. Additionally, legal professionals can help navigate any changes in laws or regulations that could impact the validity of your will over time.

Making the Most of Online Wills

Now that you are aware of the advantages and considerations of online wills, let’s explore how you can make the most of this estate planning option.

Creating an online will is a straightforward process that can be done from the comfort of your own home. However, to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness, it’s important to follow a few key tips. First and foremost, take the time to inventory and document all your assets. This includes everything from real estate properties to bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings. By clearly outlining your wishes regarding the distribution of these assets, you can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of according to your intentions.

In addition to asset distribution, it’s crucial to address the appointment of guardians for minor children. This is a decision that should not be taken lightly, as it involves choosing someone who will provide love, care, and support to your children in the event of your passing. Take the time to carefully consider your options and discuss your decision with the chosen guardian to ensure they are willing and able to take on this responsibility.

Once you have created your online will, it’s important to review it periodically and make any necessary updates. Life is constantly changing, and major events such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces can greatly impact your estate planning needs. By regularly reviewing your will, you can ensure that it remains up-to-date and accurately reflects your wishes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While online wills offer convenience, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can render your will ineffective. One of the most common mistakes is failing to sign and witness the will properly. In many jurisdictions, a will must be signed in the presence of witnesses who can attest to its validity. Neglecting this important step can lead to legal complications and challenges to the will’s authenticity.

Another common mistake is not updating the will after major life events. Failing to reflect changes in your circumstances can result in unintended consequences and disputes among your beneficiaries. It’s essential to review your will whenever significant changes occur in your life to ensure that it accurately reflects your current wishes.

Lastly, neglecting to choose backup beneficiaries can also be a critical oversight. Life is unpredictable, and it’s possible that your primary beneficiaries may predecease you or be unable to inherit for various reasons. By designating backup beneficiaries, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, even if unforeseen circumstances arise.

Updating and Changing Your Online Will

One of the significant advantages of online wills is the ease with which they can be updated and changed. Life is dynamic, and your estate planning needs may change over time. With online wills, you can easily make amendments to your will to reflect any changes in your circumstances. Whether it’s adding a new asset, changing a beneficiary, or updating your wishes, the flexibility of online wills allows you to adapt your estate plan as needed.

It’s important to note that when making changes to your online will, it’s crucial to follow the proper legal procedures. Consult with legal professionals to ensure that your amendments are valid and comply with the laws of your jurisdiction. By seeking professional guidance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your online will remains legally sound and enforceable.

In conclusion, online wills provide a convenient, affordable, and flexible option for individuals looking to plan their estates. However, it’s important to carefully consider their legal validity, consult with legal professionals, and follow best practices when creating and updating your online will. By understanding the advantages and considerations of online wills, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your estate planning needs are met. Learn more about the role of family lawyers in estate disputes and probate litigation on https://msvlawfirm.com/the-role-of-family-lawyers-in-estate-disputes-and-probate-litigation/.

5 Good Reasons to Create an Online Will

5 Good Reasons to Create an Online Will

Whether you have realized the essence of creating a will ahead or not, this article will be beneficial. As important as creating a will is, there may still be one or two pieces of misinformation about it, which may lead to gross mistakes. In the end, if the document you create is not done correctly, it cannot be tenable as a legal document when its use comes. The days of spending hours with an attorney to make your will are gone.

Today, you can truly create the legal document called a will in a digital form but note that it does not end there. This article will give you at least five reasons why you should consider creating an online will after you have concluded making a will. Let us start with what a will is and what the term ‘online will’ connotes. Then, do you need a lawyer, or can you complete an online will without the service of a lawyer at all?

What is an Online Will Service?

When we refer to an online will, we are referring to creating a will online and filling in all the necessary details. However, it does not mean you will not need the services of a lawyer, or you will not have to print. You will still need to print and sign it in the presence of at least witnesses for the document to be legal. Any digital copy you create online, be it scanned in a softcopy or snapped, cannot become legal until it undergoes other processes. 

Even if you still store the will in the cloud, it must first become the hard copy format and be duly appended before storage. Presently in Australia, you will need a professional attorney to append their signature for your will to become a legal document. In addition, the signing will also involve two witnesses. Also, when the will is ready to be probated, we cannot use the online or digital version. We will need to produce a hard copy.

So, an online will service is a service that helps you create your will using digital means. But you will still need to produce a hard copy and take it through due process. It is time to consider the five critical reasons why you should create an online will.

5 Reasons You should Create an Online Will

  1. It allows the do-it-yourself (DIY) approach

One of the peculiar advantages of digital tools is that they allow anyone to use a DIY approach. Research showed that over 52% of adult Australians don’t have a will, which may be a problem. Their families may run into severe problems if and when the need arises. This alarming rate shows a need to continue to educate Australians about how important a will is. Similarly, you can do it yourself when you create an online will.

5 Good Reasons to Create an Online Will

Doing it yourself will require choosing the right platform, such as Chamberlain. Then you must back your decision to make a will or testament with convenience. You will provide all the required information and follow the other steps to validate the document. In addition, you may need to answer a few questions before the will can be ready for download and printing. You must arrange for witnesses and an attorney to sign it when you print it. 

  1. Online will is affordable to create

Another important reason why you should choose an online will is its affordability. An online will is inexpensive since you don’t have to see a lawyer until the final stage of signing and safekeeping. Anyone would choose the latter if they could save up to $800 between creating a regular will and an online one. Not only does this process makes things easier for you when creating it, but it is also easier for your family when the time comes. 

Even if you can afford the money to pay for the complete services of a lawyer, will you also be able to afford the time? Often, it takes more than a session to complete one’s regular will, but the online choice does not require payment for different sessions. You can bookmark the page and continue even if you cannot meet all the information. Ultimately, the time and money you spend online will be lower than what you would have paid otherwise. 

  1. It’s an education on its own

Many Australians don’t even know it is possible to create an online will until they encounter Chamberlain. That is why we make it a duty to give optimum service to all our clients. In the end, these clients learn a few more things about creating a will and how to keep one. There are also different case scenarios that we look out for in preparing the will to give you the best. For instance, you can set up other benefits alongside the will to make it worthwhile.

In addition, we provide professional assistance in the latter stages of preparing your will. You can discuss this with a potential executor who can guide what you need to put in place. As for those struggling with the decision, we analyze the process of writing a will with the disadvantages of not having one. We describe how the executor will carry out the probate process while your will is executed. A better understanding often gives the testator peace of mind. 

  1. Value-added services

Value-added services for outstanding performance often accompany online will creation. Since the online design will come through digital means, losing a client to other competitors is easy. Therefore, we provide some unique services in addition to our essential usefulness of a legal online will or testament. Some of the extra benefits you may find include

  • Lifelock services
  • Keyholders
  • Messages
  • Funeral services
  1. Updates are easy and often free

Another advantage of using an online will creation platform is that it is easy to update. Online intentions differ, unlike a regular will that may require undoing and redoing some legal processes before getting an updated copy. In an online will, there is no need for a codicil. Moreover, your choice can even provide for all future issues, including children you are yet to have. Also, unlike a traditional will, the update does not require a lengthy legal process.

Now, you will update it online and reclose it the legal way. However, suppose you wish to change an executor before the due date. In that case, you can easily do so with an online will but not otherwise. You may even want to update your grandchildren into the plan or factor in the strategies of other family members and other donations.

Differences between an Online Will and a Trust

Differences between an Online Will and a Trust

Have you heard of trust in place of an online will? Whether you have or not, this article will make some distinguishing analyses between the two. Afterwards, you can decide which of the two you want to go for, an online will or a trust. Regarding estate planning, the two serve the same purpose, but different conditions bring each one into action. 

On a general note, a will created online can serve the general purpose of distributing your property to beneficiaries when you die. However, before the final execution of your will online, a probate process must validate the will and the property transfer. On the other hand, a trust is a legal document that transfers the ownership directly to a beneficiary without undergoing the process of probate. 

See also: Discounting the Myths of Online Wills in 2022

This difference is essential in guiding anyone to decide on the path to take when deciding to plan for an estate feels overwhelming. But at Chamberlain, we take up the responsibility of helping you figure out which of the two options works better for you than the other. Before this decision, we will have to know the peculiarity of your condition. Then you also need to understand what the options are in detail. 

Ultimately, both parties must reach a conclusion that works best for you as the client. To achieve this aim, we have a team of experts committed to meeting your needs at the barest possible time and cost. Saving these two resources is an advantage that creating an online will brings to the table that traditional will drafting doesn’t. We will discuss the differences between wills and trusts concerning planning for your properties. 

An Online Will vs Trust: What is the Difference?

Both wills and trusts are similar on many grounds, yet there are stark differences between them. Regarding the similarities, both are ways you can receive your assets. Only you need to do it differently. At the same time, the two terms refer to processes with their advantages and disadvantages. One difference between the two that cannot be ignored is how and when they are affected. In the case of a will or testament, it only comes into effect when the testator dies. But the trust is effective as soon as it is signed and funded by the initiator. In more precise terms, the role of a will as a legal document includes the following

  • Designate where each of your assets goes in terms of the beneficiary
  • Name guardians and custodians for your kids and your pets
  • Tidy up the final arrangements for the execution

These processes appear to be very simple, and indeed they are, but that is not without its price to pay. For instance, when you choose the will route, know that you may have limited control over the eventual distribution of the asset. You indeed get to state how you want them to the distributed, but the actual execution will be behind your back. Moreover, there may be disputes or other matters during the probate process that will warrant some changes. 

As for trust, the conditions can be a bit more tricky and comes with peculiar benefits such as;

  • With trust, you get more control over how your assets are assigned and distributed since you can monitor it yourself
  • A trust covers any asset you hold under it
  • Trust can come in different types and forms to cover other needs

Another unique feature of a trust is that whenever you create a trust, remember that you will have to fund it. This funding process will require that the assets are in the custody of the owner of the trust. Due to this funding process, a trust may be a little more complex before adding support than setting up an online will. But remember that if you want to remove the issue of probating your property, you should choose a Trust rather than a will. 

Trust or Will – which one is better?

As the name sounds, each has its pros and cons, which will contribute to which option is better for you. Another factor to consider is that your specific situation or case will determine your choice above the other. Therefore, seeking which one is better is not a good idea. Instead, it would help if you focused on understanding the situation at hand and the goal of setting up the property management plan from the start. A good understanding of these factors will create a better perspective to find a better solution.

Differences between an Online Will and a Trust

Is it possible to use an online will and a trust together?

In practical terms, yes, you can have a will and a living trust to your name for your assets. The simple reason is established in our description above to show that they have different purposes. As a result, trust can help you manage and distribute your assets, whether alive or after death. However, a will is only active in managing and distributing your purchase after you must have passed on. 

You get to state how you want the assets distributed, and an appointed executor does that at your demise. While that is clear, it is essential to add that it is often not recommended to have both a will and a trust active on one’s property. The reason is simple: the assets included in a funded trust do not require going to a probate court. The assets in your last will or testament would go through an extensive probate process

Therefore, you can easily spare yourself and your family all the burden by choosing one means of protecting your assets rather than doing the two together. 


Finally, we have clearly stated the differences between a trust and a will, including an online will. In all these processes, you should not do it alone if you need help or more clarity. Contact Chamberlain for details on how to set up an online will, and we will lead you easily. Moreover, creating an online will allow you to do it yourself and keep private matters. Whichever way you decide to go, ensure you do it right and according to the state’s prevailing laws.

Discounting the Myths of Online Wills in 2022

Discounting the Myths of Online Wills in 2022

Several myths have been associated with creating an online will that has limited its acceptance. Many who believe these myths have not even checked rationally before making decisions. Are there problems with online will services, or are every negative things you see fake? Are there matters to be concerned about? Are there mistakes you can avoid making to have a smooth run? Let’s begin by showing some of the common myths of online wills.

Myth 1: Online wills have incomplete documents

The first myth you may have to contend with is that an online will come with incomplete documents. That is so untrue. When you enter your details into the online platform, it compiles all the necessary details and generates an online will for you. In many cases, the final will or testament is the same, word-for-word, with all the details you provide. 

In there is a disparity or complexity in the situation, such as a child with special needs, it requires a separate addendum document. You will have to create an intricate trust clause written separately. However, the primary online will service gives room for some of the provisions you may need to add, such as trusts or guardianship for minors and powers of the trustees. We make room for as many as 25 clauses.

Myth 2: Online Wills don’t regard local laws

It is quite intriguing that a legal document will disregard local laws, particularly if the local court probates it. A competent lawyer in any country, province, state or locality must operate concerning the provision of local laws. We pay high regard to the provincial laws of the land, which form a significant part of our online will services. One of the first questions we ask is about where your will or testament will be operating. 

Therefore, we design our services to align with your local laws to avoid taking you through a generic path. The Power of Attorney law is one of the most vital branches of law that accommodates the most comprehensive form of variation in an application. However, we ensure that we provide the right services concerning your province. 

Myth 3: An Online will is usually not up-to-date

Another myth about online myth is that it is usually not up to date, which is also untrue. Not only do we align our legal papers according to the laws of your province, but we also update them when the laws of the land change at any time. Suppose a state in Australia makes a significant change in the law. In that case, we have our hands on these laws by monitoring and equally updating our terms. Another important reason you should choose Chamberlain is to provide your online will. 

Even if you get some scare tactics from people about preparing an online will, be sure to let them know that you know better. Now you know you can design your will online and have a perfect will without exorbitant lawyer fees and still produce a legally acceptable document.

Myth 4: An Online Will can only be legal by notarization and filing at a courthouse 

It may sound normal to ensure that you notarize your online will and file it in a courthouse before it becomes legal. But the truth is that your will or testament can also be valid without taking these exact steps. Ask me how. Firstly, not all states require that the online will be notarized before it can be helpful. What is prevalent in Australia is that you sign the prepared documents in the presence of two witnesses.

You may need to prove your will or testament using a different option. On the other hand, it is not compulsory that you file all your document in a courthouse. Instead, you can consider it an optional step to protect your will and hasten the probate process when the time comes. However, if you don’t feel like having a copy of your will at the courthouse, you can also choose a safe place to keep it, such as a fireproof place or a safe deposit box. 

Myth 5: No one eventually follows an Online Will

One of the fears of people who create an online will is that they think no one will check their will after death. Moreover, their families may not even know there is a will or disregard it and proceed to do whatsoever they like. However, a choice is a legal document and should be regarded as such. Moreover, it can provide lawful wishes that must be duly appropriately followed. What is important is that we maintain the provision of the law in the online will.

Sometimes, your exact wishes may not be executed if there is an issue with the planning process. The following conditions can enhance the decision to follow or unfollow your finished online will:

  1. Your online will may be rejected due to invalidity, especially if the document is not signed correctly or has no witnesses.
  2. If your will or testament is missing at the point of death or no one even knew it existed, it may not be executed. Another case of ignoring the will and not submitting the will or testament to the court at all
  3. A will may also be rejected if the content conflicts with the state laws and are overruled. For instance, some state laws state that no matter what your plan is inside the will, a certain percentage of your property must go to your spouse at your demise.


On a final note, instead of following the deceit and non-clarity of the myths associated with online will, why not understand the truth is. When you do, you can demystify these myths and have the best experience possible. Meanwhile, suppose your case is a complicated one, such as a huge property that is co-owned with others or a special child with a particular need. In that case, you will need professional counsel from an attorney. We can easily recommend one for you at Chamberlain.

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